Saturday, January 27, 2007

SaTurdAy, Jan 27th, 2007

again, alone during weekend -
this -live is not fair- arrangement really irritating .. i miss him, but he's busy, too.
miss you a lot, wish you can come to visit me ..

aMy GoNe by tHe fLigHt

hmm.. she's heading back for HoMe ...
(couldnt find any of your pict-alone, only this one - whauhahha...)

She's my room-mate, during my stay in Saigon.
From lunch (why lunch? why not breakfast? .. he3x, cause i wake up & flash to office, bfore she wake up) 'til Jamie's show ended. We're together all the time.

Good that wé haven't fight about who's taking shower first, whuahaha...

Serious and work hard - is typical of her. Not to mentioned her olden english tops (my own nick creator) .. it's you, amy!
remember all those clothes at saigon square - we choose it for you! it's totally you!

not even mentioned, again her whole collection of novel - still got one here, ya ...

so much fun together - see ya, pal!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

hOme ..

wanna be home ..
can't stand anymore for being outside ..
but when its time for home, there's also too much expectation - i'm worried about ..
dont understand which way should i go ...

Monday, January 22, 2007

ChU cHi tuNnEls

1/2 day trip - which is very easy for you to find in HCMC. Go straight for Sinh Cafe- it's famoust for their service on tours.

Get urself wheter half or full day tour.
from tour around the city, lake market, or even great scenery outside the city ...

start with the testing on "feeling being in the tunnel" ..
quite scary, since it's really small area, where you need to bend & crawl inside, to get through it.

this hole was spread all over the places, places for them to hide from the enemy. Sometimes they create this hole as a trap, too.
there's so many kinds of creepy traps - which i can't display here.
either fascinating, on how they create it or creppy, on how they use it for.

this tunnel/ hole entrance was so small & smelly - yaiks, might be not too much air inside, too- too damp & dont know what else is inside.
quite wondering how these people can survive inside, even to gave birth - where there's not much air around...

this time my friends & I getting 1/2 day tour for chu chi tunnels ..
u know, where they used to have gorrilas fighter?!

yup, most of them are like in this pictures - wearing army diquise uniform, walking around in night time, hiding in day time.

these pupets look real, for me. will think twice to get near them, especially when ure alone, in the darkness of the jungle.

they're gorrilas soldier - that's how they called it. Since they're walking like gorrilas -
why? .. because they spent most of their life inside the tunnel, and have to bend & walk to reach each places, under the tunnels.

sad situation, but must do - bend down or else got shoot!

these was the entrance to each tunnels - of course, it was improvised already, for tourist -

from there, you'll get some sort of living room / rest area before you enter the next step, which leads you bend down along the tunnel, to get to other side of area.

fiuhhh... such a bend! he3x ..
i even got my knee knock few times on the rock - bruises all over ..

it was a fun trip - get to know other side of world, u're standing at.
i might get myself another part of the tour - when time allow it, and later on I'll tell you the story!