hmm.. she's heading back for HoMe ...
(couldnt find any of your pict-alone, only this one - whauhahha...)She's my room-mate, during my stay in Saigon.
From lunch (why lunch? why not breakfast? .. he3x, cause i wake up & flash to office, bfore she wake up) 'til Jamie's show ended. We're together all the time.
Good that wé haven't fight about who's taking shower first, whuahaha...

Serious and work hard - is typical of her. Not to mentioned her olden english tops (my own nick creator) .. it's you, amy!
remember all those clothes at saigon square - we choose it for you! it's totally you!
not even mentioned, again her whole collection of novel - still got one here, ya ...
so much fun together - see ya, pal!