i was the one with black sari, decorate with gold thread around me- wearing silky transparant black sari, which look more like lace rather than silk sari .. attractive, full of passion ..
we're all full of passion & excitement - but one thing i'm not sure, is why i'm here? with all these dressing & accesories? ...
it was a celebration, for sure- for who? what occasion?
the hall was full with table setting in white, flower are white, table cloth are white - while outside balcony full with dancers, including me .. and prayer statue, for each of us to burn incense stick & pray bfore our performance.
guest are coming in french dress code- with their lace umbrella & tuxedo for the man. They all looked like they're gonna eat me alive- while i'm doing my performance.
i burn 3 incense sticks, tryin to stick them inside the pot - but couldnt work out, cause not enough soil to hold it - my nextdoor friend tryin to help & finally we gave up, leave it all lying inside the pot & hurried up to the corridor, where there's this one lady- calling us to come in & get prepared.
the corridor was so grand, full with ornament & carving in gold color .. it was an arch around the corridor way .. with many doors and many console table & mirrors.
dancer are running towards the end, where 2 lady standing there, waiting us to greet them & bow as a respect shown. They're wearing nice indian suit - in bright blue color, and other wearing skin color, but still nice & grand.
entering the room, it was a huge open room, with huge table- i think it's mean for dining table .. there's might be 10 or more chair over there. Surround still you can see, many chairs in a pair with the low table & their accesories on top of it-
dancer are waiting surrounding the room , they're chattering with low sound, affraid to make any noise that will disturb the room next door-
what is the next door about? .. i kept wondering & quite, keeping my question inside my heart - while slowly i walk near through the door (next door door) .. i have a peek & oh my lord, they're having their dancing .. seems like they're practicing for last time,bfore they go on stage!
i start to tremble, how come i end up in this place without knowing what step & what style i should move? .. what will i do if i do something wrong? can i make some new step? can i do improvisation? ...
it was strange- i thougth i wasn't know the dance, but somehow i'm sure that i can do that even right now i'm pretty sure i dont know that i've been learning it....
"wake up, wake up.." my alarm ring loud- n damn, without knowing the end of my dream!!!