Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tempo Doeloe

Penganan tempo doeloe- stick coklat, yg dulu masanya gw anak kecil, doyan jajan di bapak2 pikulan. Yang dateng ke sekolah pas jam makan siang. Jajanan2 sehat maupun ga sehat, bersih maupun ga bersih- sikatttt...

Manisan mangga, pake logo anak cewe n warna merah untuk petunjuk rasa manis. Sementara ada warna ijo ataupun kuning untuk masing2 rasa yang berbeda- pedas, asin, manis pedas, etc..

Uenak logh- sambil ngebayangin masa lalu, maem jajanan itu.
Back to old memory neh...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Weekend Hunting (to be continue)

another result for week hunting, from new branch opening of Hokky-near my home! plus imported discount book fair from TriMedia.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Lonely Soul

it's a day without stop sign. there's never 'stop' words being spoken. everything seems to run and back to run, in same routine- each day, each minutes, each heart beat.

taking you far, and far away from what u've wanted for so long. drowning into deepest part of the world, where u couldn't seen ur own face, ur own personality. everything has been cover to please others, to smooth ur way to glory.

longing for every single thing, u've wish for. reality wish to spoke different, where pain and lush talks more- than you expected to hear, than you expected to say. everything was just about lies.

don't u know, nobody dare to love u, except for urself. something that doesn't change, the only thing doesn't change in the world.
how lonely is your soul?