located on surabaya, kinda bit far from city- well, since i'm new in town so it seems bit far ...
funny and cute museum, even the place is quite small.
but gots lots of things to shown up there.
it's the same place, where they produce their cigarette plus they got their own cafe, too.

like beside, it's shown what Indonesia's used to have- small stall that sells groceries and also cigarettes. Really cute is it? Just that when its out on the street, its been contaminated with dust & other pollution, so it wont be so nice as this one.

and this one is the machine, to produce cover or box of cigarettes itself. They also show many cover design based on the period of times. Interesting!
you can imagine how they produce, need sometimes to figure it out- since there's no guidance or detail information on how to operate that machine.

here we come to the restaurant- or cafe - or whatever. They served from western and local food, too. I ordered rawon - which is quite satisfying with 'kerupuk' too. Yummy ... plus ice tea, sweet one as my favourite.
there's he is- my tour guide on that day. His name Albert, single and looking.
He's an IT guy and works on fashion line. So you girls, must be fun to shopping around with him. Whuahhahaa .. anyone interest?