'hey, ta2 .. where r u?' her voice shocked me-
gosh, looked over my watch- and i'm late! .. rushly, i reply- will be there, soon!
leave everything behind, carry only my house key - run out to find moto cycle & fly to see them right away ...
well, hello there ... met them in black black dress code ... blend into teenagers w/ their messy graduation party .. suddenly, i felt so old- around these young spirits ...
1st stop of River House -full with these young teens, celebrating their graduation events .. they were seems to come as a big group, & group of kids from well-economic family (as ussual)
they're having these rolls, where each hour they switch between concert - games - disco .. such a strange arrangement - really sucks!
after tyrin hard to be patient, we finally left & back to "no-other options" RH ...
more people coming, crowded like hell -
met some friends, and some un-expected friends, hmm... (-he's still a tempation, hiihihi ...-)
dance, dance, dance with "beautiful girl" song ... 'til my watch screaming to me - "ta2!! it's 2!! u got to work tomorrow!!"
ups, got to go ....