yup, this is the first time of dog show- ever held in Vietnam, refer to a person, who lives here for several years. Kinda excited to come and see the show, since never been held before. Questions pops up, wondering what kind of show are they talking about, what kind of dogs are they showing, etc.
U know the international dog show, in the television?! they got many categories, and many skills to show. Not sure about this one- better not to give high expectation "as we always say" ...
The banner looks quite impressive, after all ...
show start at 9am, but turn out that even the judges only comes at 9.30am .. so, u know what happened the rest --> show start at 10am. Good for us, so we can finish our breakfast before getting excited wondering around to see dogs!!

have u ever sit on a bar, and the dogs will join you? well, in here you do. Place is full of people & dogs, so the only place available is at the bar. That's where people gathered along to watch the show. Quite cool place, you sit and your favourite dog can stay at the bar table. Cudling around with the others.
more people coming late, more crowded the bar is - full with dogs, laying down.. he3x...

there are two "kribo"head as the MC of the show - they make sound like dogs, too. One of them, which is a guy- pretending to be a puddle. White puddle with black dots at the cheek. Quite fail as a dog look. More over, he doesn't act funny at all-
Competition turns out not for certain kind of dogs- they're free to bring whatever dogs they have (i guess this is bcause 1st time show held, hope next time is better). Like the pictures shown here, one bring huge scary dog (in fact, he's really calm & sleepy) & opposite looks like miniature of cihuahahahahhaa....

As seen in here, this black rotweiler dog seems so exhausted with the surrounding, he didnt even care people walking around & take snaps on him.
Guess, dogs loves papparazi too ...

Most of the contestant are bringing the cihuahua- since houses in vietnam are small & crowded. Of course they're some with big houses, and that would be the one with big dog!
I just found out that there're 2 kinds of cihuahua, with or without furry. New news!
They even got really miniature, cause it size is really small-sort of the size of your palms. Really!
As you can see in the photo up there - the girl is holding her smallest dog .. it looks fragile for me...

U'll find the dalmation, too - this time is the pirates make up. He wears pants with skeleton picture on the butt, and got the eye's blackened in one side. So cute & so pirates!
Got spaniel kind with spanish look, too- Big red flower on each of her ears - she even wears make up. Glittering green eye shadows. This one bring lots of applause from audience....
Shows included with some attraction from dogs, such as jumping on the loop - dancing doog, and some 'circus' stuff- Ended with the announce of winner, which we decided to leave bfore it was done.
This is how the place was held for the show - yup, this is the exterior look .. quite pretty, right? Vietnam -u'll find the best place to hang outside, facing crowded street -
They make their cafe look interesting on the outside & inside, too. But sometimes, its too much color & decoration inside, & most of the place are full with loud music, even morning time.
Such a strange habit!
Well, enough show for this sunday morning. After all,we need to go on with our trip - LUNCH TIME!!!!