Saturday, July 14, 2007

Still Wondering ..

sunshine day-
First trip of work, to visit my projects -.. waaaaa.. driving me crazy this lady .. keep asking things to be change all the time. It's just that when you're trying to help & give them the best, they never appreciate it- ....
.. havent got to other site, to take some snaps there- wait 'til i got there!

Haven't mention when i got into office, my x-bf show up & told news like i'm watching CNN9 in the morning .. also sms's, calls back on fewdays bfore .. afternoon, evening, late night or early morning .. still wondering why he still bugging around, while there's lot others for him to take care? ..

o yeah, can't wait to get today done- i wasn't feeling so good. Got stomachache in the morning, and too many gas - hmm... couldn't be cause coke yesterday night, or red wine last night? or maybe mixed both of them? ...
not yet count for tonight! yihuii..... will be allright for the long night tonight ---

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Meaning of Love

If you love someone because you think that he or she is really gorgeous..
then it's not love .. it's
- Infatuation -
If you love someone because you think that you shouldn't leave him becuase
others think that you shouldn't .. then it's not love .. it's
- Compromise -
If you love someone because you have been kissed by him .. then it's not love .. it's
- Inferiority complex -
If you love someone because you cannot leave him thinking that it
would hurt his feelings .. then it's not love .. it's
- Charity -
If you love someone because you share everything with him .. then it's not love .. it's
- Friendship -
But if you feel the pain of the other person more than him even when
he is stable and you cry for him .. that's ..
- Love -
If you get attracted to other people but stay with him without any regrets .. that's ..
- Love -
If you let him go knowing that he has to go but he doesn't want to.. that's ..
- Love -

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


wasn't it so fun? ..
after been gone for few years, and now I'm facing this new era of my life - found out that possibilities are open wide in front of me to choose- only for me!
and u never know yet ... there're more surprises coming for me, hihihihi... so much fun!

never thought these people, or all these stuff was mentioned for me, only- hihihi...
i've been laughing for these fewdays- so interesting to be a participant, a watcher of this life-

oh yeah, got some surprise coming while i was holding my saturday event- something come up so true and open, and it was bright side from all things happening to me-
fiuhh.... such a relieve, that i've been bless all this time !!

and yet, it feels good to release from bad luck-

Monday, July 9, 2007

Live where the people you love live.

Where you live has about the same influence on your personal happiness as what you do for work -- that is, much less than your personal relationships. The biggest thing you can do to create happiness in your life is to cultivate and maintain intimate, reliable relationships with people.
If you have friends you see once a week, you'll live longer. If you have friends at work, you'll like your job. If you have friends who provide emergency child care, you're likely to be a happy working parent.
Friends can change your life, if you have them. So live where your friends and loved ones live, and the other issues won't matter so much.

If you love a man, you should find a man- who love & respect his mother. It reflects how they run their relationship- long relationship.

" Hypocrite, mean, liar, dirty, and witty" are un-acceptable.

" Weekend at Soun Soben"

the place called " Soun Soben" which means Park of Heaven?? ... sort of, i think- not so sure, kinda forget within 1 days- whuahahhaa...
kinda cool, cause they set up this place with small bamboo hut- and quite cool, not hot at all (it might be also cause it's raining season) ..
yup, it was raining too when we got there - in the middle of finishing our fried chicken ala cambodian. Hiii... cool weather & i dirty my shirt!

went with some of my friends- as u seen in the pict next--
davy-seyha-navy-me-keo .. kinda girls team? not at all, cause we went together with only 1 boy.
Yeah, he wanted to be call boy, instead of man - whuahahha....
the place was surrounded with trees and some tourist animal, such as: peacok, chicken, and turkey? .. got some swan too-

here is Veng- he's the only man, ups.. boy surround us!
food was okay too ... we spend around 5 bucks for each, including the renting place, and spend more than half day there-

cool weekend, guys-
i'll see you next week!!