Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Month Anniversary

1st anniversary for all these puppies ... look at them, so cute aren't they? wearing all their stripy new clothes .. gift from their fans, too.
take a look at the cake - it was decorate with miniatur of their mother - white fur & black eyes, and bit of "gengsi" style as always ..
hard to get them in line, they're chasing each other, and tried to grab the food, in front of them .. so funny -they start to eat meat already, so once they smell it- they starve!!
here is the prince- wearing blue stripes, opposite is princess - wearing her new skirt.
she got all attention her needs, including under her skirt-

come on, puppies- that's rude...

not to forget the olders- left of oreo (grandmother --> grand,grandmother) & snoopy (the dad) ..

took this picture before he's trying to bite my feet. this one is snoppy - he doesn't like to get published ..
anyway, he's kinda the fierce one, even it's just on the outside.
they got the chance to eat the anniversary cake, too
double portion!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tata,
    The puppies are CUTE! :)

    Amy(in Perth)
