how can world change so drastically?
it was the world, i've been waiting for so long - and it was just different ...
should it take time to get use to it? or it's just a phase that should be passing by?
none could decide which is right and which is wrong, everything happen so fast -
when we see on the brigther side, would there be brighter side? .. there will be.
every single creature being make with bright side for them - we will have, as long as we try.
now all i can do, is try harder & work it harder - for me to see the bright side of mine ...
will you all supporting each effort i'll make? single thing i'll try to save my dream? your dream? our dream?
wouldn't it be all for us to give it best shoot, best try - to live in this world? would this be our purpose to live in this world?....
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