what's wrong with you? why u haven't update your blog? ..
well.. sorry, guys- i've been on holiday & more over, internet connection at office was down for the whole week- left me alone ...

there's few things i would like to put up- such as this one .. praying house!
yup- this is really famous - even david beckham bring some back way home - whuahahhaa...
wish i could bring it too .. but will cost me a fortune on the shipment-
as u seen, the colors are getting more & more .. from simply plain gold, now they got in dark red & black red .. even nowadays, i used to saw they paint in colors too-
this house used to be put outside the main house, to protect the land of the house (which people live in) .. while inside the house, there'll be another praying house
it's smaller, and people put it facing entrance door - sort of against bad evil enter the house .. and that one is to protect the house- so, kinda like there's a spirit to take care the house-
while outside, there's another spirit as a guard ...
who's in charge? .. guess yourself-
not to forget that there'll be lotus flower on the front, side by side with burn incense stick - hmmm... lovely view
wanna got one of them- come over to Cambodia, and get one of them ship back to your country..
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