That night, for the first time I'm attending Easter celebrations at the church.
It was so much more then I've expected - it was much, much merrier than my usual church. They played the bells and music in different tunes- different songs and different spirits! (almost break down n cried, for His Mighty shown me a lot)
.. still at that time, I miss being around in Christian church-
It was my baptized moment. Night of the night, where I've been shown so many 'signs'..
You might think that it's just a 'bluff' .. but for what i experienced- yes, God is here, God is listening to my pray and He helped me out.
Thank you, God~
They said being baptized means that you re.gain your life, new life.
I do wish and I do feel that way -
past will be my past, and I'm sure that He won't leave me- as I used to 'leave Him so often.
Many times, I 'denied His presence, His help - feels that I haven't been guide good enough and not being 'gifted for what I asked.
Now, He showed me all - what I've asked was not right, was not good for me.
and now, in this Easter - i will need to re.gain everything back - from scratch .. and re.start everything with good's one.
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