FrOM beginNing of thE year, starTing with eVerythIng new - including my jOb .. he3x ..
busy n busy n busy - that's all I can Say
MosT of tHe tiMe, I'm AlwayS oUt from office - noT to mentiOned that i don't woRk, but i'm outsiDe foR work!
dAy to dAy, minUtes to minutes - maNy thingS had happenEd, either GooD or Bad - all happEn in the sAme tiMe.
Work pRobLem - hOme issUe - peRsoNal matTer - 'til pEt's thIngs alSo included.
MosT of tHe tiMe, I'm AlwayS oUt from office - noT to mentiOned that i don't woRk, but i'm outsiDe foR work!
dAy to dAy, minUtes to minutes - maNy thingS had happenEd, either GooD or Bad - all happEn in the sAme tiMe.
Work pRobLem - hOme issUe - peRsoNal matTer - 'til pEt's thIngs alSo included.

Oh, no .. It's nOt saD .. but giVes u mOre exPeriEnce @ time-
cAn't aLwaYs get wHat yOu want, bUt can aLwaYs trY the Best.
cAn't aLwaYs get wHat yOu want, bUt can aLwaYs trY the Best.
ouT iN ShangHai- doIng sMalL stOre dçOration.
fRom zeRo expErience 'til expErt- he3x ...
cReatIng maSter pIece foR someOne eLse, wHo apPrecIate it!
feeLs amazing ...
fRom zeRo expErience 'til expErt- he3x ...
cReatIng maSter pIece foR someOne eLse, wHo apPrecIate it!
feeLs amazing ...
got The cHancE to sEe Shanghai Icon Tower- even just looKed, no chance
enteR inSide, fiNe foR me, too - Maybe nexT time ...
PoSe fOr @ sessiOn, everyTime haVe a oppOrtunity !!
dAy tRip to pRovincEs iN ChiNa - eVen still beIng botHered witH annoYing cAlLs, fRom un-WanteD peOple!!
fIuhh... scoUldeD anD YelLed, .. comIng to rIght, Out frOm lEft...
who cares?
sometimes, someHow.. theRe's neeD tIme to IgnOre pEopLe ..
InSpirEd bY spideR? .. giAnt oNes? ...
cOoL sIghT seEing - meAns, rEalLy sIghT seEing .. çAuse shOpping does nOt aPplied in Here .. whIle in ShocK Trip aT singaporE.
endInG wIth cLoSing 2006 n EnteriNg 2007 YeAr, wiShiNg eveRythInG prospErous & beTter - MasK pArty briNg its oWn
pLace ...
fRieNds cOme over, cEleBratinG cLosIng of YeaR-
my Time Has cOmE, to cElebRate sElf tReatMent aT hOme toWn.
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