Went out on this trip, for my friend gave me privilege on free seating inside the cockpit! Amazing! I’ve been always wanting to seat on a plane, with the pilot & now, dreams come true!
Plane is flight with 2 gorgeous pilot. They’re called their selves as Sir’ Teddy & Sir’ Fayez. White pilot uniform & all those badges, plus black sunglasses, aren’t they awesome?

Teddy comes from Indonesia, flight for many years & no doubt on his flying skills. he's the one who gaves me this priveledge-

While Fayez, true Maldivian graduated from US & flight plane since then. No doubt on skill of these two man for handling plane. Terrific- I’m flying with full trust. Honest but sad, they’re taken- sorry.
Enough with the pilot talks. Let’s get into the plane & the trip. It was not like what I had expected bfore. Spacious seating, interesting equipment (which on this part is true) and excellent front view- But, what I experience is totally amazing. Being a pilot is not as easy as you would think, or even it won’t be as hard as you thought also. Yes, indeed – there’s so many buttons with its own different function. Yes, there’s so many nature things you need to get involved with. Despite that, have you notice that they also equipped with crib notes for each flight, they make?! Hmm.. Interesting, isn’t it?
2nd pilot supported main pilot, which seats on the left side of his. 2nd pilot open the guide handy book & gives check list on each performance. Landing, approaching, take off, etc.
Once its take off, it took around 5 to 10min to get adjust the plane & voile, automatic pilot on. Soon, automatic navigation will take control. And pilot gets their time to relax. The only view they can enjoy is their 2 mini screens, which shows the route & cloud marks, which tells them where to hoop in into another road. Just like driving, you avoid construction hole, dump, etc. It’s not like you get the best view over there, ‘cause most of the window will be cover with those buttons. When it’s sunny, blinds are up on those small windows and again, those small screens will accompany their trip. (Now, you can understand why most of pilots are wearing sunglasses all the time, right? - And sometimes they just forgot to take them off, even when they’re not flying. Ha3x)
Confession spilled out that they’re nervous during landing, especially when short runway is ahead them. Oh, aren’t they so cute?
In fact, it is worrying- I was seating with them, during the landing. And it is, short runway. Really short in my opinion, as I saw it myself. And not sure how they can handle it well during the landing. Fiuhh.. Got me bite my tongue-
On the trip back, I put myself on back seat. Enjoying scenery view from that capsule window & took some shots with my Canon. I’m not alone, though. A flight attendant accompanies me during my flight time. His name is Ahmed Siaar. He’s a one man show on that flight. Called him Siaar. Just turn to 18 and loves to travel. No wonder he loves his job so much.

Here few images taken from above, with Trans Maldivian Air (flight I took). Thanks to both pilot, too! See ya on next trip!

lol,so nice