so, what's the plan for this 2009?
meanwhile, we're having kinda mix party. for new year, also for x-mas. considering not so many christian in male, maldives. so we create our own-
party was held by friend of mine. cool place & cool arrangement.
hmm.. this one is girl's group. U all know well when girls are staying together- where nothing then something happen.
we're kinda covering the x-mas tree, aren't we? well, hardly notice about it when flash goin on.

by end of party, gift exchange!!
seems that lita quite delight with her surprise gift. He3x..
i got my 'tiger'mug - cute & huge mug. no worried for thrist at night-

here are some snaps of guests and of course, i won't be out from picture snap. he3x
got bunch of nationaly there- new friends are always welcome!

can u leave ur phone number to me???