It's a heaven paradise.
It's 31st of December 2008 and tonight we're gonna celebrate changing year to 2009.
Exciting for the party & expectation of other surprise coming on- who knows?
Lights are everywhere, trees are decorated with lights. Places clean up. X-Mas tree on every spot standing still, wanting to celebrate together changing of the year.
We start moving on 10pm- getting ready to welcome 2009.
Warm up a bit with Corona & friends. Chit chat & talking of future ahead plan. Gossips around. Laughter & getting ourselves closer to each others.
Such a way where you find that situation is getting friendly, open same time intimate, too.
Stop by for quick photos with santa deer.. well, girls~
Heading for party spot. Walking side by side, on cold white sand. Holding hands, singing and cheering each others. I found my heart on that night.
Crashing candle lights along the way, for some kiddie reasons. he3x
We're so happy & excited for the event.
Beach was decorated as how its gonna be a dance floor, on white sand beach.
It was huge spacious space, and food are supplied too. So, it's always good to be there, since you won't feel hunger & thirst.
"Bing Bang Bang Bung" continously sound of firework. Party is just getting started.
5min full of firework show. We all amazed of it. People taking pictures, video & hardly recall others- concentrating on the sparkle.
Let myself being hug warmly by him, while we're celebrating new year together.
lol,so nice