Mo dibilang "sycophant" ato "wriggler" ato "coax"?
.. mungkin pada bingung artinya yaks?! ..
How about "flatterer" or "bootlicker"? pasti tau donk artinya. :)
well, aku rasa pasti ada di tiap lingkungan kita berada. Or maybe you're one of them?
Klo iya, sadar donk- dunia elo mau dikemanain? Dengan tiap hari membuat 'musuh' dan merasa seperti 'pahlawan'?! what for?
Engga ada untungya di akhirat- malah bikin celaka, loh! Beware!
Klo kamu salah satu korbannya, hmm... be 'cuek is the best' ..
jangan senggol gw, klo elo mao selamat - gitu aja deh.
bakalan buang energi untuk ngurusin orang yang engga ada gunanya, engga pentinggg!!!
Have a good day,all!
a place where i throw every single moments from my life, in to a blank space become something, that full of joys & tears.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
*- boss
Pernahkah secara tiba2 bos-mu bertingkah laku gila? ... mm, inilah yang terjadi sekarang ini. Entah sejak kapan, kita bisa jadi 'sensitif' bisa jadi 'teman curhat' .. wah, membingungkan super duper!
Dalam 1menit ... mungkin hitungan detik 'malah, bisa 180 derajat berubah. "so much for out of what you can imagine-"
Pengaruh lingkungan? pengaruh usia? pengaruh cuaca? pengaruh teman? pengaruh keluarga? atau memang tabiat super buruk?
Why I bring up this issue?
..karena become irritating, ouch..
Aku datang ke kantor, sepenuh hati- walaupun ada perasaan was-was 'hari ini kena marah ga ya? hari ini kurang apa ya? ' ... ini kan jelas2 engga' normal lagi.
Trus udah gitu, bisa aja pagi2 datang dengan sambutan 'met pagi .. tapi bisa jadi 2menit kemudian tergopoh2 datang (sambil kuping masih nempel di hp) teriak2 'kenapa ini .. kenapa itu ..'
Nah loh, do you think this is normal? is this just how it suppose to be? or is this just my feeling for it's not normal?
Serba salahhh!!!
My senior used to say 'ignore it- n better not to be like it- beware n safe urself' ..
Why not choose the peace way-
solve things in good way, no need to shout, to be angry, to have anger
Friday, July 15, 2011
"Lebih Baik Tidak Kerja Daripada Kerja Jelek"
~ hmm....
Bagaimana seharusnya menyingkapi ini? kalimat ini? kata2 ini?
Haruskah ditanggapi secara negatif atau positif? ..
Arti sebenarnya? .. ataukah hanya emosi marah2 doank?
Iya, ini kata2 dari si bos besar- yang lagi "emosi" .. wah, benernya engga jelas juga si 'emosi terpendam' atau 'berkepanjangan' ..
Tapi kok sering banget yah, denger kata2 menyakitkan = menyinggung = menusuk seperti ini.
Kebiasaan? wah, gawat juga ..
Otority show off? hmm, mungkin yang dikatakan 'temen'ku bener juga ..
klo memang iya, berarti caranya salah-
" you say, we respect "
" you spank, we neglect "
Bagaimana seharusnya menyingkapi ini? kalimat ini? kata2 ini?
Haruskah ditanggapi secara negatif atau positif? ..
Arti sebenarnya? .. ataukah hanya emosi marah2 doank?
Iya, ini kata2 dari si bos besar- yang lagi "emosi" .. wah, benernya engga jelas juga si 'emosi terpendam' atau 'berkepanjangan' ..
Tapi kok sering banget yah, denger kata2 menyakitkan = menyinggung = menusuk seperti ini.
Kebiasaan? wah, gawat juga ..
Otority show off? hmm, mungkin yang dikatakan 'temen'ku bener juga ..
klo memang iya, berarti caranya salah-
" you say, we respect "
" you spank, we neglect "
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Premenstrual syndrome
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)or also called PMT (Premenstrual tension) --> collection of physical + emotional symptoms related to a woman's menstrual cycle.
Most women of child-bearing age (up to 85%) report having experienced physical symptoms related to normal ovulatory function, such as bloating or breast tenderness.
Medical definitions of PMS are limited to a consistent pattern of emotional and physical symptoms occurring only during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle that are of "sufficient severity to interfere with some aspects of life".
In particular, emotional symptoms must be present consistently to diagnose PMS.
The specific emotional and physical symptoms attributable to PMS vary from woman to woman, but each individual woman's pattern of symptoms is predictable, occurs consistently during the fourteen days prior to menses, and vanishes either shortly before or shortly after the start of menstrual flow.
Only a small percentage of women (2 to 5%) have significant premenstrual symptoms that are separate from the normal discomfort associated with menstruation in healthy women.
Culturally, the abbreviation PMS is widely understood in English-speaking countries to refer to difficulties associated with menses, and the abbreviation is used frequently even in casual and colloquial settings, without regard to medical rigor. In these contexts, the syndrome is rarely referred to without abbreviation, and the connotations of the reference are frequently more broad than the clinical definition.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a more severe condition, positioned as a psychiatric disorder similar to unipolar depression.
Most women of child-bearing age (up to 85%) report having experienced physical symptoms related to normal ovulatory function, such as bloating or breast tenderness.
Medical definitions of PMS are limited to a consistent pattern of emotional and physical symptoms occurring only during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle that are of "sufficient severity to interfere with some aspects of life".
In particular, emotional symptoms must be present consistently to diagnose PMS.
The specific emotional and physical symptoms attributable to PMS vary from woman to woman, but each individual woman's pattern of symptoms is predictable, occurs consistently during the fourteen days prior to menses, and vanishes either shortly before or shortly after the start of menstrual flow.
Only a small percentage of women (2 to 5%) have significant premenstrual symptoms that are separate from the normal discomfort associated with menstruation in healthy women.
Culturally, the abbreviation PMS is widely understood in English-speaking countries to refer to difficulties associated with menses, and the abbreviation is used frequently even in casual and colloquial settings, without regard to medical rigor. In these contexts, the syndrome is rarely referred to without abbreviation, and the connotations of the reference are frequently more broad than the clinical definition.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a more severe condition, positioned as a psychiatric disorder similar to unipolar depression.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Upset (..really..)

Do you know how many people will always complains in their life?
I think all will do same things, too .. when things doesn't go like what they want.
But how many people will always naggging and complains to others for their own mistake and blaming on others?
Well ... after typing this questions- just realize, maybe lots of people do this too-
Maybe you (who blame on others) can look at yourself better, next time - there's always next time - ...
It was so not cool, for repeating things you said, then you forgot and comes up you're blaming on others for things you did wrong.
Feels like shit" ...
for being blame~
Monday, May 16, 2011
well, so as you know ...

ketika ku lihat kau bersama dia
tak ada penyesalan dalam hidupku
dan apa yang ku rasakan saat ini
seperti dahulu ku tak mengenalmu
ketika ku lihat kau bersama dia
tak ada lagi hasrat dalam hidupku
kepada dirimu yang dulu tercinta
tak ada lagi kenangan, takkan lagi harapan
everybody knew you’re a liar
everybody knew you’re a player
everybody knew you’re never serious
risk your love at me
and i tell you once again baby
everybody knew you’re a liar
everybody knew you’re a player
everybody knew you’re never serious
risk your love at me
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Berbeda / Different

Indonesian version.
mungkin bagimu ku slalu salah
di hadapmu ku tak pernah benar
ku tak bisa menjadi pendamai di dalam jiwamu
ku lelah hadapi semua
ku ingin kau mengerti
kini ku sadar cinta tak bisa
di jalani dengan perbedaan
ku akui ku masih mencintamu dan inginkanmu
kan ku coba jalani hidup tanpamu
di atas pedih yang akan kurasakan
kan kulintasi hidup tanpa dirimu
ku akan pergi menjauh
karna kita memang berbeda
ku lelah hadapi semua
ku ingin kau mengerti
ku tau kita tak mungkin menyatu
ku mau kau mengerti
English version.
for you, i never true, never right
I can not be a peacemaker in your soul
I tired to face it all
I want you to understand
now, I realize love can not live with differences
I admit I still want you, still love you
I'll try to live without you
above all pain I feel
to not live without you
I will go away
because we are different
I tired to face all
I want you to understand
I know we can not together
I want you to understand
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Celebration!

That night, for the first time I'm attending Easter celebrations at the church.
It was so much more then I've expected - it was much, much merrier than my usual church. They played the bells and music in different tunes- different songs and different spirits! (almost break down n cried, for His Mighty shown me a lot)
.. still at that time, I miss being around in Christian church-
It was my baptized moment. Night of the night, where I've been shown so many 'signs'..
You might think that it's just a 'bluff' .. but for what i experienced- yes, God is here, God is listening to my pray and He helped me out.
Thank you, God~
They said being baptized means that you re.gain your life, new life.
I do wish and I do feel that way -
past will be my past, and I'm sure that He won't leave me- as I used to 'leave Him so often.
Many times, I 'denied His presence, His help - feels that I haven't been guide good enough and not being 'gifted for what I asked.
Now, He showed me all - what I've asked was not right, was not good for me.
and now, in this Easter - i will need to re.gain everything back - from scratch .. and re.start everything with good's one.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Easter Spirit

On Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
It is typically the most well-attended Sunday service of the year for Christian churches.
Christians believe, according to Scripture, that Jesus came back to life, or was raised from the dead, three days after his death on the cross. As part of the Easter season, the death of Jesus Christ by crucifixion is commemorated on Good Friday, always the Friday just before Easter. Through his death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus paid the penalty for sin, thus purchasing for all who believe in him, eternal life in Christ Jesus.
So, what's your plan on this Easter Celebration?
Having recognition what you've done during this year?
Having re.coup with the whole family and your love ones?
Having Easter Bunny celebration with kids?
Share your ideas with me!
(while me? .. i'm hoping for happy ending for rest of my life)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
why? how come?
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Grow Up, my love!

bingung mo nulis apa '... hati galau, pikiran keikut kacau .. ga bisa mikir, padahal kudu ngantor n kerja .. berasa kerja paksa gara2 pikiran di antah berantah..
bisa2nya cowo aku, orang yang paling aku sayang dan paling aku 'beratin' di idup ini - semena2 ke aku ...
dikasi masukan, kritikan yang membangun kenapa engga bisa membuka diri untuk 'listening and learning' ... bukannya lebih baik dikritik pacar supaya bisa menjadi lebih baik, ketimbang dikritik orang yang sama sekali kamu engga kenal? .. itu bakalan menyakitkan, menurutku -
belum lagi klo ditambah kena pengaruh temen yang buruk (heran juga, kenapa masih aja dijadiin temen klo dah tau itu bawa 'pengaruh buruk') ..
makin ga jelas sikapnya-
seharusnya dia dateng dan stay close with me .. udah jelas2 waktu barengan sedikit tapi masih aja dicampur ama temen 'buruk' nya.
bener2 ga pengertian, ga perhatian, ga ada 'rasa sayang' kah di dirimu?
kamu minta orang sekitarmu termasuk aku untuk peka ama perasaanmu, tapi apakah kamu pernah mencoba untuk peka ke sekeliling kamu? ..
kamu minta orang sekitarmu bisa ngeliat betapa pentingnya kamu untuk mereka, tapi apakah kamu pernah bersikap sebaliknya? ..
tolong, sadarlah - jadilah dewasa ..
aku membutuhkanmu seperti semula, as a grown up man!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Too Busy with Your Ego!

Here I will tell you my stories- stories of me & my love ..
(life always up and down, so you will not know what's gonna happen next)
and I'll tell you something not in order .. 'cause things messed up sometimes, in my life, in your life, everybody's life.
It was started in good ways, we talked, we laughed, telling each other what's going around our world - since we're "long distance" .. not that long, which you can reach within 45 minutes flights, though.
Just like at the peak, where things get crowded and out loud - he change into some form, which I hardly understand.
Normal things turns out to be freak out!
Non-sense words out from his mouth, which I hate most.
please, don't start the fight .. but it happens...
I tried to talk calm and giving 'right direction' .. but seems only 1 brain doing it's talk, so the others simply ignored it.
Not even a single words, and worse 'til it gets the next day.
not a single call coming from him ...
so, who now always saying "solve things before sunrise"?? .. and yet, he didn't do it-
all efforts seems hopeless - for he doesn't care to listen & open his mind. Keeping his ego, in front of his face...
...getting knock the head...
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